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Yazarın fotoğrafı: Ali ÇırakAli Çırak

Güncelleme tarihi: 29 Haz 2024

The phenomenon of nutrition in ancient Roman society shows a parallel development to that in ancient Greek society. There is a trend from simple to intricate in every field, from nutrients to tableware.

Our knowledge for the early period is limited. But BC. It can be learned that the Roman aristocracy, which consisted of wealthy agriculturalists in the 4th century, did not live in different conditions than other segments of the society, that grain was grown in most of the lands and that grain types were the main food.

Vegetables abound. In addition to legumes, onions, leeks, cucumbers, zucchini were grown in the garden of every house. These were boiled or sautéed by adding olive oil and water. The fruits mentioned are apple, pear, quince, plum, medlar, pomegranate, grape, fig, cherry, peach, apricot, date and citron. It is known that hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts and almonds are consumed in nuts.

While wealthy Romans' interest in plant foods declined, meat varieties took the lead. The main slaughter animals are pigs, kids, lambs, calves and poultry.

I will share with you a few recipes that I learned from Roman Empire documents:

Moretum (Herbed, garlic cheese) – Vergilius, Moretum 88-120

Four heads of fresh garlic, celery leaves, rue, and coriander are collected from the garden. The crushed garlic, the herbs mentioned, a little salt and the grated dried salted cheese are mixed until well done – neither completely green particles remaining, nor completely white. Add some olive oil and vinegar to the mixture and knead again. Herb-garlic cheese is shaped into a sphere and is eaten with fresh knuckles.

Stuffed Baby Pork with Vegetables – Apicius, De re coquinaria 8,380:

Separate the pig's legs from its body. To the body that remains like a bag; Fill the stuffing you have prepared with chopped offal pieces, small sausage, seedless dates, onions, snails without shells, lots of chard, beets, leeks, celery, boiled cabbage, coriander, black peppercorns, pine nuts, 15 eggs and black pepper liquamen. Turn the stuffed pork over the fire. When it is well cooked, transfer it to a large tray and after cutting it, finish with the sauce. Prepare the sauce with black pepper, rue, liquamen, passum, honey and a little olive oil and thicken with wheat starch.

Fried Sardines – Apicius, De re conquinaria 4, 147:

Wash the sardines and cover them with eggs. Heat the liquamen, wine and olive oil. Fry one side of the fish in this mixture, then the other. Before serving, add oenagarum and black pepper.

Pumpkin Puree – Apicius, De re coquinaria 3.79:

Fry the zucchini and mash until it becomes a puree. Prepare a thick sauce by thickening black pepper, privet, cumin, oregano, onion, wine, liquamen and olive oil and cooking with wheat starch. Pour the sauce into the pumpkin puree. Bring it to the table hot (with a meat dish).

Home Dessert – Apicius, De re coquinaria 7,296:

Remove the cores of the dates. Top with walnuts, pine nuts and ground black pepper. Sprinkle with salt, cook in honey and serve hot.

- Ali Cirak



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